How to order with discount:

All our customers receive a 10% discount with an order of €850.- or more (without VAT). This discount is automatically calculated in the shopping cart. In the example below, you can see an order of 3 products, but of course any combination of products is possible.

VAT free ordering:

All our professional foreign customers within the EU with a valid VAT number, which allows them to import VAT free, can indicate this directly in our webshop.

This is done as follows:

1. Once you have placed the products in the shopping basket, click on Checkout.

2. You will now see an overview of the products, please check this again and if the products are correct, click on Proceed to checkout.

3. On this page you can log in if you have previously created an account with us, create an account or enter the address details as a guest under Instant Checkout.

4. Now comes the part for entering the VAT number. First enter the country:

5. Now enter the company name:

6. You will see that a field has now been added where you can enter the VAT number.

7. If applicable, a field has now also been added where you can enter the ID number:

8. If you want to use a different billing address, please tick the box:

9. When you have entered all the address details, click on Proceed to checkout.

10. You will now get an overview of the address details as entered. Please check this carefully, if you notice an error, you can take a step back to correct it. If everything is correct, click on Proceed to checkout.

11. On this page you can indicate the desired delivery method and pleae do not forget to check the box to accept the conditions. You can now click on Proceed to checkout.

12. You will see the prices specified. If everything is correct, you can start the payment.

13. We will be notified of your order and will send your package as soon as possible.

14. You will receive an email with the track & trace details of your package.

We wish you a lot of driving pleasure!